Counting fractions

Given a list of fractions, I am looking for a way to identify the nth member of the list without needing to work out all the fractions before the nth one.  Also, given any fraction, I want to be able to say where it appears on the list.

I am looking for reduced fractions, which means that  \( \frac{1}{2} \) will appear in my list but I will not see  \( \frac{2}{4} \), \( \frac{3}{6} \) or any others that can be reduced to simpler terms.

There are methods to create lists of reduced fractions. In particular:
  • The Stern-Brocot tree. 
  • The Calkin Wilf sequence. 
  • Kepler's method in Harmonices Mundi. 
There are methods to locate fractions in these sequences.  Bates, Bunder and Tognetti  presented a method in 2010.  Cut the Knot also discussed binary encoding as a means of locating fractions.  A page on this blog proposes a method that is reasonably simple and intuitive and that yields insight into the structure of fractions.


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